Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Sufficiency of Scripture - 1


Dr. Weeks says that this book is written as a response to new elements in the ongoing discussions about the Bible. In the past he says lines were drawn between those who affirmed that the Bible was infallible and those who denied infallibility. The point of infallibility didn't mater, historical or doctrinal questions were all the same.

Now the two sides have become less easy to define. Dr. Weeks believes the shift is still in progress and so it is unwise to attempt to categorize the parties. However, he does note two tendencies:
  1. Restrict the area of Biblical infallibility - this tendency manifests itself as attempts to limit the Bible to religious question, or as proponents of this view would put in the heart of gospel. It is expressed by merely saying the Bible is not a science textbook because its focus is on our salvation through Christ. Or that the historical events described in Bible did not necessarily happen as recorded, but that is irrelevant to the gospel.
  2. As a result of responses like these the old evangelical liberal distinction is out of date, because the person who feel free to question the infallibility of Bible in science or history, might still claim a concern to bring men to see the their need of Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Therefore, it is Dr. Weeks aim to take up and examine the issues and arguments in this debate. The book has two parts, part one the theological conviction and part two will be the practical outworking on issue which have become interwoven with the question of the authority and accuracy of Scripture.

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