Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Threefold Division of the Law: Part 4 - The Apostolic Interpretation of the law in the Book of Acts

In part 3, we Ross introduced the majority of the remaining time of his lecture by framing his discussion around the following two questions:

1. What may we conclude from the Gospels? - From the words and deeds of  Jesus up to the point where the veil was torn.

2.What, if anything, changes after the rending of the veil? - What do the Apostles and their Epistles have to say to all this?

We dealt with the first question in its entirety in the last post. This post is the first half of Ross' answer to the second question dealing with the events in the Book of Acts focusing on how the church viewed God's Law in light of Jesus' mission being accomplished. The last post was about how Jesus talked about the law in his Sermon on the Mount and how Jesus demonstrated in his actions that the purpose of the purity laws were to show Israel's separation from the other nations which was coming to an end with the temple veil being torn in two when Christ died.

Jesus' entire earthy ministry was a life in conformity with the law. His teachings highlighted that obedience to the law was not conformable to the terms that the receivers understood, but that God's laws came with their own terms of obedience which were not being followed in Jesus' day. Ross, finally, pointed out that the embryonic form of the threefold division appearing in the Old Testament (OT) was not overturned by Jesus' life or teaching.

Now, Ross will be contending that the Evangelists will be confirming those same presuppositions through the book of Acts and their Epistles throughout the rest of the New Testament (NT).

As with the previous three posts and next three in this series, here's the big picture of where this current post fits:
  1. Introduction
  2. Five Old Testament presuppositions that shape the New Testament's understanding of law
  3. Jesus and the Gospels
  4. The Apostolic Interpretation of the law in the Book of Acts
  5. The Epistles of the Apostles
  6. Conclusion
  7. Sabbath Extracts

The book of Acts provides indications of the Apostles' approach to the law and gives us some narrative background to the Epistles. (pgs. 239 - 240)

Some say Luke was zealous for the law, while Evangelicals, such as Craig Blomberg, are happy to think Luke saw the law as nothing more than 'a cultural phenomenon'. Neither approach is satisfactory. (pgs. 241 - 242)

Throughout the book of Acts we encounter Christian thinking that presupposes the validity of the Decalogue. (pgs. 243 - 244)

For Luke, the Jews were the real transgressors of the Decalogue's precepts. (pgs. 242 - 243)

Luke quotes several laws outside of the Decalogue, but Ross only has time to address one instance in Acts. (pgs. 247 - 254)

Peter's reference to Deuteronomy 10:17 in Acts 10:34. (pgs. 248 - 250)

Peter's use of Deuteronomy shows how he took that one law in its context and began to see that not only are all animals fundamentally clean, but that all people are equal. Peter understands that the abolition of food distinctions means that national Israel is no longer the exclusive theater of Divine love. (pg. 249)

From where Peter now stands Deuteronomy's declaration of God's love for the sojourner may always have been indicative of the temporality of the separation laws. (pgs. 249 - 250)

The most complex legal issue in Acts seems to be the Apostolic decree of Acts 15. Partly because of differences in biblical manuscripts that the church has used throughout history. (pgs. 254 - 257)

Richard Bauckham gives exhaustive arguments for the decree being based on Leviticus 17 - 18, but Ross thinks his arguments are unconvincing. (pgs. 257 - 261)

The decree is only really complex when people are determined to interpret it either as liberation from the law, or imposition of the law. (pg. 261)

In the end, the basis for the decision was that it seemed good to us. It was no more a legal decision than the council's decision to send out Paul and Barnabas, or Luke's decision to write his gospel. It seemed good. The rationale was unity. Church unity was more important than absolute liberty. (pgs. 261 - 263)

The decree does not give us a hermeneutic of biblical law but a example of Christian behavior. (pg. 262)

In the end, all we can say about Acts is that it assumes the principles of the Decalogue. It gives good reason, at points, to support the confessional statement of cultic and judicial law, but the decree and the accounts of cultic obedience are legally neutral. (pgs. 263 - 264)


The notes above are a summary of chapter 6 in Ross' book which is 25 pages long. The next post in this topic will continue to address the changes in the law after Jesus' death as found in the Epistles of the Apostles.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Threefold Division of the Law: Part 3 - Jesus and the Gospels

In part 2, we sketched out five presuppositions that run throughout the entire Old Testament (OT) that point the law given through Moses as not being an uniform united body of law. Ross concluded the second section by contending that if we don't see these distinctions that we will not, and cannot, make proper sense of the teachings of Christ in the four Gospels, in the Apostolic events in the Book of Acts and the Epistles written by the Apostles when they write about the law.

In this part we will focus on the words of Jesus as found in the four Gospel writings and try to understand how what Jesus says about the law and does during His first coming further develops the five observations made about the OT law.

These notes are based on an address that Phil Ross delivered to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales in March 2010.

Here's where we are in this series of posts relative to where we have been and where we are going:
  1. Introduction
  2. Five Old Testament presuppositions that shape the New Testament's understanding of law
  3. Jesus and the Gospels
  4. The Apostolic Interpretation of the law in the Book of Acts
  5. The Epistles of the Apostles
  6. Conclusion
  7. Sabbath Extracts

Ross wants to look at the teaching of Christ and the Apostles concerning the law in two parts divided chronologically by the veil of the temple that was torn in two (pg. 187):
  1. What may we conclude from the Gospels? - From the words and deeds of Jesus up to the point where the veil was torn.
  2. What, if anything, changes after the rending of the veil? - What do the Apostles and their Epistles have to say to all this?
We will in this post address the first question and then over the course of following two posts Ross will address his second question.

Jesus' subjecting himself to the law was basic to his humiliation.

One passage matters above all others when it comes to discussing Jesus' attitude to the law, namely Matthew 5.

Some say we should take the word commonly translated 'abolish' in a absolute sense. (pgs. 195 - 197)

Others use the word commonly translated 'fulfill' to determine that 'abolish' means anything but abolish. (pgs. 197 - 199)

When translators/interpreters focus on the lexical definition of 'fulfill' it generally leads them to seeing Jesus' fulfillment of the law and the prophets in the following three ways (pgs. 201 - 202):
  1. Eschatological - He fulfills the law by his teaching.
  2. Soteriological - He fulfills the law by bringing salvation.
  3. Moral - He fulfills the law by doing what the law commands.
Ross doesn't want to suggest totally disregarding the lexica, but contends that we will understand Jesus' words when we read them with the church, in the context of Matthew as a whole, and with the OT background in view. (pg. 199)

Pope Leo the Great and John Calvin may not have had much in common, but they both thought it was proper to connect the sermon on the mount with Jeremiah's new covenant prophecy. (pg. 199)

Their case is strengthened if we also accept that Jesus fulfilling the law and the prophets in Matthew 5:17 is a piece of his fulfillment of all righteousness in Matthew 3:50. (pgs. 199 - 200)

We might hear echos of this relationship when we line up the voice that says 'This is my beloved Son' with the same voice in Jeremiah 31:20 saying 'Ephraim my beloved Son'. May we not then see Jesus standing with his people, and in their place, 'here's the beloved Son that Israel failed to be. (pg. 200)

Read Matthew 5 in that context and we may then see Jesus' fulfillment of the law as eschatological, soteriological, and moral. (pg. 202)

To illustrate the relationship between the elements in Matthew 5 and Jeremiah 31, Ross wants to call attention to the following four components in Jeremiah's prophecy. (pg. 203)
  1. 'I will put my law within them' - According to Deuteronomy 6:4 - 9 the law was always meant to be internalized. Jesus promotes this intention as he calls for obedience to the great commandment, he promotes it in his exposition of the law throughout Matthew 5, and He fulfills it by exemplifying in his own life what it means to obey the law and be the obedient Son par excellence (meaning 'the best of its kind'). (pgs. 203 - 204)
  2. The promise, 'I will be their God, and they shall be my people.' That theme permeates Matthew from beginning to end. Matthew 1:23, '... God with us.' We know that the Shekinah who dwelt in the bush and in the tabernacle now dwells in the flesh and fleshy blood. Immanuel's closing promise is, 'I am with you always.' Christ's being with his people in fulfillment of the law and the prophets is the dominant idea, but moral fulfillment can't be excluded from that. His instruction, 'teach them all that I've commanded you' presupposes ongoing obedience as an indispensable concomitant to God with us. (pgs. 204 - 206)
  3. 'They shall all know me', is sometimes linked with Matthew 23:8 - 10 where Jesus says, 'You have one teacher'. We can hear in that passage a precise echo of the shama. Only one teacher fulfills Jeremiah's prophecy; he is the one who is one who will teach the New Covenant community. There is also a connection between Jeremiah 31:25 - 26 and Jesus' invitation to the laboring and heavy laden to come for rest (Matthew 11:28). He delivers the rest promised in the law and the prophets to those whom the Father reveals Jesus and to whom Jesus reveals the Father. (pgs. 206 - 211)
  4. 'For I will forgive their iniquity', is the absolutely indispensable (Ross uses the term, 'sine qua non') promise of the first few promises in Jeremiah 31. Note the preceding three. There's not much question that Matthew 26:27 - 28 recalls this. 'Drink of it, all of you.' The 'all' recalling the 'all' of Jeremiah 31:34 as Matthew once again draws several OT threads together to show that forgiveness of sin and God's presence are conjoined in Jesus. If Jeremiah is in the background, then sin is transgression of the Decalogue because that's generally how Jeremiah defines 'transgression'. (pgs. 211 - 214)
If the sermon on the mount introduced new law then spoke of forgiveness in relation to the old law, how could Matthew's notion of atonement be coherent? Sin would be a moving target. (pg. 215)

The point is to say that for Matthew, Jesus' fulfillment of the law and prophets is eschatological, soteriological, and moral. He is a mighty savior, whose assumptions about the law he shares with the prophets, whose full assumptions land on the Pentateuch. (pgs. 214 - 215)

So Jesus leaves untouched the embryonic framework that saw some laws as a 'pattern'; some to be obeyed 'in the land'; but the Decalogue as the controlling influence. (pg. 215)

When Jesus says, 'not a jot or a tittle shall pass away', his statement is in harmony with the framework because it only makes sense if we recognize that the law had built in limitations. (pgs. 215 - 220)

Even before the entry into Cana, they had the mana laws, which were of temporal jurisdiction/duration. Yet these laws remained but did not bind in the same way they abide as memorial and foretoken. (pgs. 218 - 219)

Everything that Jesus says about the law is in continuity with the intent of the law, and Ross rejects outright the universal description of what follows in Matthew 5:21 - 48 as the antithesis. (pgs. 220 - 236)

Despite all the arguments that Jesus is overturning the law in these verses, its demonstrable that everything Jesus says reflects a correct and proper understanding of the laws; his views of hatred, lust, divorce, oaths, the lex talionis - law of retaliation -, and love for enemies do not reflect abrogation of the law, but co-ordination with the law. (pgs. 236 - 237)

What was Jesus' attitude to things that were not of the weightier matters of the law? (pgs. 173 - 174)

One person wants to say that because Jesus touched a leper He made himself unclean and therefore held the purity laws in contempt, while another wants to defend him against accusations of uncleanness at all costs. (pgs. 174 - 177)

So was Jesus ever unclean? Well, of course he was. What Jew who ever sucked at his mother's breast was not unclean? But, so what? (pg. 178)

The law makes no straightforward equation between guilt and ceremonial uncleanness. (pg. 178)

So matters of:
  1. The woman bleeding who touched Jesus (Mark 5:27) is simply not a issue. (pgs. 174 - 177)
  2. Mark doesn't introduce us to an antinomian Jesus when he records Jesus' comments in Mark 7, 'nothing that goes into a man can defile a man'. Perhaps Jesus is reflecting creational norms: Nothing is intrinsically unclean. The Levitical law concurs - eating unclean foods could not itself defile. Jesus' statement is in continuity with the law. Looking back, Mark makes the kind of statement he should have made about the Sabbath if the anti-Sabbatarians are correct that the Sabbath ought to not be part of a Christian's life. (pgs. 179 - 187)
When we see Jesus at the end of his earthly life it's instructive to think about these events in the light of Leviticus 20:24 - 26. There the Lord separates Israel to himself, separates certain foods to uncleanness as a sign of Israel's separation to a God whose separation was marked by the temple veil. (pgs. 184 - 187)

Then when the veil is torn in two, it signifies not the departure of the Shekinah, as some argue. It signifies that the separation has ended. (pgs. 189 - 190)

Viewing this event through the lens of Isaiah 64, God has rent the heavens and come down, and the rent veil proclaims that from this point onwards no symbolic uncleanness can separate them from Emmanuel. (pg. 190)

In the Gospels we meet a Savior who lived in conformity with the law. He taught us to obey it in its own terms. Fulfilled its shadows. Evangelists confirm, rather than overturn, the presuppositions outlined from the Pentateuch. They do not abort the embryonic form of the threefold division that appears in the OT. (pgs. 190 - 191)


A lot more material this week than in the last post. Ross is summarizing chapters four and five in his book, which is 93 pages. In our next post in this series we will consider how the Apostles interpreted the law, as recorded in the book of Acts. We will start to develop a better idea about what actually changed in the church after the rending of the temple veil.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Threefold Division of the Law: Part 2 - Five Old Testament Presuppositions that Shape the New Testament's understanding of Law

Last time we found out how the Westminster Confession defined the Threefold Division of biblical law, we reviewed some of the criticism that the doctrine has received from well intended Christians, and gave some broad responses to those criticisms.

Despite the negative tone taken to biblical theology (BT) as an academic discipline in Ross introduction of his address the majority of the rest of the lecture and the book is in fact a study in BT! That is, Ross' starts at the book of Genesis and goes to Revelation reviewing what the Bible says about God's Law from beginning to end. It really is a demonstration of the correct relationship between BT and systematic theology (ST).

Here's where we are at in relationship to where we are going:
  1. Introduction
  2. Five Old Testament presuppositions that shape the New Testament's understanding of law
  3. Jesus and the Gospels
  4. The Apostolic Interpretation of the law in the Book of Acts
  5. The Epistles of the Apostles
  6. Conclusion
  7. Sabbath Extracts
The current post will be a five point look at the entire Old Testament (OT). Even though it's brief and the other four post will be more focused on different parts of the New Testament (NT) its important to note that in the book Ross spends a lot more time working through the OT in his book and that much of the remaining posts depend on these five presuppositions being true to understand the view of the law as expounded by Jesus and the Apostles. Many of these five points, it should be noted, deal indirectly with Jason Meyer's objections to the division as stated in the first post.


Five OT presuppositions in summary form that shape the NT authors and provide clear exegetical support from the OT itself.
  1. Indicators that the Decalogue is distinct from the laws that God revealed through Moses to the nation of Israel (pgs. 52 - 80):
    • The Decalogue is designated as the ten words - categorized the 'ten words' by Moses. (pgs. 80 - 83)
    • God distinguished those ten words from all other law by writing them in tablets of stone. (pgs. 83 - 86)
    • He spoke those ten words and added nothing more. (pgs. 86 - 88)
    • He gave them in an exclusive apodictic - as opposed to - casuistic format; that is to say, there are no 'if ... thens' in the Decalogue. (pgs. 88 - 92)
  2. If we look backwards from Sinai to Eden the distinctiveness of the Decalogue appears not as a distinct historical development, but to the writing laws that are already self understood. (pgs. 92 - 104)
  3. The Decalogue stands out as the constitutional basis of all the statutes and ordinances. The statutes and ordinances are a specific and carefully constructed outworking of the ten words. (pgs. 106 - 110)
  4. Although the Hebrew words and phrases do not determine distinctions they do sometimes recognize them (pgs. 110 - 115):
    • Exodus 25 designates the laws governing the tabernacle as 'according to the pattern' and this marks out the laws from Exodus 25 - Leviticus 15 as laws that point from shadow to reality. (pgs. 111 - 113)
    • Deuteronomy marks out the statutes and ordinances as laws to be obeyed 'in the land' - this body of law was not binding always and everywhere, but 'in the land'. (pgs. 113 - 115)
    • In the Pentateuch we have, in embryonic form, the framework for biblical law that grew into the orthodox view of the threefold division of the law. (pg. 144)
  5. The 'mercy not sacrifice' theme that appears throughout the OT, particularly in the prophets, reflects the Pentateuchal framework. (pgs. 126 - 132)
    • According to the prophets, God can hate obedience to pattern laws, yet He always desires obedience to the ten words, including the Sabbath.
    • For the Prophets these ten words were the standard by which all nations are judged.
If the Pentateuch and the Prophetic writings view the law of Moses as an united body of law, yet one which has classification and priority then anyone who sets aside the whole law because it is an unity must explain why those prioritizations that originate the Pentateuch are irrelevant.

Only by paying careful attention to those classifications and prioritizations can we make sense of the teachings of Christ and the Apostles concerning the law.


If you want to hear more about any of Ross' five points I would encourage you to listen to the lecture and get a copy of his book, because as I have pointed out in the notation Ross is summarizing two chapters and almost one hundred pages in these five points. Next week we will discover what Jesus and the Gospels writers had to say about the law.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Threefold Division of the Law: Part 1 - Introduction

In November of 2010, Christian Focus Publications released a book by Philip S. Ross titled From the Finger of God: The Biblical and Theological Basis for the Threefold Division of the Law. It is 426 pages long and is a treasure to read if you have ever tried to defend the Westminster Confession of Faith's 19th chapter (WCF) which explains God's Law as containing a tri-partite division of the law. Ross' book goes through the entire Bible (Biblical Theology) to show that the way our Father's in the Faith understood the Law of God was a careful reflection of Scripture, instead of a imposition on Scripture (Systematic Theology).

Before the book was released, however, in March of 2010 Mr. Ross gave an address to Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales (EPCEW) on the same topic which is about an hour long. I discovered the book because I was reading through the Marrow of Modern Divinity and actually dealing with this exact issue in my church with a Theonomist who was leading a Sunday School class where he made it very clear that WCF 19.4 was wrong to teach:
To them also, as a body politic, He gave sundry judicial laws, which expired together with the State of that people; not obliging under any now, further than the general equity thereof may require.
At the time I hadn't discovered Professor McKay's book or his brilliant footnote on this topic. Therefore, I 'dug in my heals' and ordered the book and proceeded to read it, along with my pastor. What we found was great, well-researched material, that provided more than what we needed along with a whole lot of other material that addressed other contemporary issues about the Law of God, but in a different way than either of us had expected. Which, in hindsight, is a good experience even through at first it was a bit disappointing for my part.

As I was working through the book I also was trying to dig up other materials (press interviews, reviews, etc.) to see what other people were thinking about the book and to maybe find a more compact way to present 426 pages of research in a shorter time span, and that's how I found the lecture.

I haven't directly spoken with this dear Brother in Christ about Ross' book, but I'm slowly working up to addressing the matter in another forum. The great part about the address is that Ross covers his entire book in an abbreviated form with a slightly different structure. I have spent the last few months returning to the lecture for the purpose of jotting down notes and doing dictation of the lecture, so that I could make the fruits of Ross' study more accessible.

I have chosen to break up those notes into six main parts with one additional part on Ross' thoughts on the Sabbath. I think Ross' arguments for the Sabbath are good and I understand why he spends time in both the book and the lecture to address the issue; nevertheless, the key point being discussed in the first six posts the primary concerned to present Ross' arguments for the Threefold Division of the Law. I will in the final post explain my reasons for separating these closely related issues. This post will be updated as I post additional parts. The parts are:
  1. Introduction
  2. Five Old Testament presuppositions that shape the New Testament's understanding of law
  3. Jesus and the Gospels
  4. The Apostolic Interpretation of the law in the Book of Acts
  5. The Epistles of the Apostles
  6. Conclusion
  7. Sabbath Extracts
The posts will follow the general format of a statement that Ross makes in his lecture/my thoughts about how to express that statement and the relevant page numbers in Ross' book where Ross either makes a similar statements. As I found out, the address can provide some insight in the differences between writing a book and presenting a speech. Without further ado, here's Ross' introduction.


The threefold division is the division of biblical law into (pg.2):
  1. Moral - The Ten Commandments
  2. Civil (or Judicial) - Those laws that were given for civil government
  3. Ceremonial - The laws that governed sacrifice
Do people consider the confession a garment or a straightjacket?

Nearly half of the Shorter Catechism's 107 questions deal with the demands and consequences of ever binding moral law. (pg. 6)

From the beginning law was was written on the heart of man. (pg. 6)

Sin is any want of conformity unto or transgression of any law of God given as a rule to the reasonable creature. (pg. 6)

The Westminster doctrine of the threefold division of the law is a reiteration of catholic doctrine. It's not uniquely Eastern or Western; Catholic or Protestant; conservative or liberal; Patristic or Puritan; Thomist or Calvinist, or anything else. It has been expounded, maintained, and defended by some of the most prominent theologians in the history of the church. (pg. 1)

Having subjected the threefold division of the law to biblical scrutiny like any other doctrine, it is remarkable how simplistic the dismissals of the threefold division are. (pgs. 5, 7)

Two examples are Tom Wells and Jason Meyer.

Tom Wells in his book (co-authored with Fred Zaspel) New Covenant Theology on page 72 writes that biblical evidence to support the Puritan approach to the Decalogue 'was always wanting'. He goes on to write the following on page 74 (pg. 8):
As evidence for the wider sweeping conclusion that everything moral is comprehended is one of these ten commands, both the Larger and Smaller [sic] Catechism offer just three verses, Matthew 19:17, 18, 19. This is, surely, much too narrow a base from which to draw such a comprehensive conclusion. Further than that, assuming that Matthew 19 contains the best evidence for this opinion, we must note that it was not available to OT [Old Testament] believers at all.
Ross contends that Wells' seems to imagine that the divines took a very simple approach to proof texting. (pg. 8)

The Westminster Divines were, however, more sophisticated than grasping for texts that might prove their point. This is why the first edition of the Confession contained no proof texts. The reluctant Assembly was not concerned about 'being unable to support the proposition of the Confession by Scripture' but because they realized 'that a complete presentation of Scripture proof would have required a volume'. In this case, it is Wells' approach that is most obviously wanting. (pg. 8)

Jason Meyer in his book The End of the Law on page 282 writes (pgs. 8 - 9):
The NT [New Testament] itself does not make these three distinctions, and no one living under the law of Moses seriously thought they could pick which parts were binding and which were optional. God's law comes as a set with no substitutions. Therefore, exegetes should not read the three distinctions into NT texts that speak of the law as a singular entity. Furthermore, one will find it challenging to divide all laws into three neat, watertight compartments.
Meyer's takes the orthodox view for two thousand years and writes it off in seventy-five words. However, Meyer's comments should make one question if he has ever read the confessional explanations of the threefold division. (pg. 9)

The Confession's teaching in 19.3 shows the the oft-repeated claim that the threefold division divides 'all laws into three watertight compartments' is false. The section says, of the ceremonial laws, that they contain 'several typical ordinances, partly of worship, prefiguring Christ ... and partly of divers instructions of moral duties'. (pg. 9)

Many who reject the threefold division do so because they do not believe it to be biblical. But what does it mean to be 'biblical'? (pg. 37)

For some, the meaning 'to be biblical' might be rooted in certain presuppositions of biblical theology (BT) as an academic discipline.

Whatever they - professor, pastor, etc. - claim BT is and wherever they make those claims, BT is almost universally occupied with the task of being a descriptive discipline. (pg. 46)

Telling us what biblical passages supposedly meant within a predetermined, literary, or canonical context never moving beyond some conjectured historical setting, and never saying anything to the present. (pgs. 46 - 47)

From the perspective of BT, Meyer's theology appears silent when he says 'that no one living under the law of Moses seriously thought they could pick which parts were binding and which were optional'.

That sounds, continues Ross, like an accurate description of how things were for those living under the Mosaic law; a description that tells us what it meant. But it's a superficial analysis.

Ross contends that it's a superficial analysis because Meyer would have to try to persuade Amos, Jeremiah, or Isaiah of the truth of his [Meyer's] claim that there were not distinctions in the law delivered through Moses.

It is a hopeless enterprise to come to any historical doctrine and to expect the doctrine to comply with the self-authenticating scriptures of academic BT.

Should a Christian interpreter actually come to the Pentateuch or the Prophets without ever thinking about the Trinity or Jesus Christ, as two distinct natures in one person forever, they are probably more ignorant than brilliant; we simply cannot reformat our brains and come to any conclusions through that way, and nor should we. There is a pattern of sound words to which we should hold fast. (pgs. 48 - 49)

This is not the only problem with critiquing the threefold division from an exclusively BT paradigm. To do so is also anachronistic. Even if we allow that BT was brought forth by J.P. Gabler in 1787 this still leaves almost 1800 years of theological study and biblical interpretation that did not operate with a clinical dichotomy between systematic and biblical theology, or 'what the scriptures meant' and 'what the scriptures mean'. (pgs. 35, 41, 49 - 50)

Engaging in any meaningful consideration of this doctrine means we cannot ignore the way that its exponents down through the centuries read the Bible. The field of this type of study is known as the history of exegesis. (pgs. 34 - 35)

At a basic level this means we assume what was an unsurprising dogma for the early church - that is, the unity and inerrancy of the text. (pg. 40)

For Justin Martyr the word of God was infallible and immutable. (pg. 35)

Ross will provide some of the reasons why we may have confidence that the framework for biblical law found in chapter 19 of our Confession is derived from the Scripture as opposed to Meyer's claim that the division is read into the Scripture.

Ross intends to deal with the basic categories of moral, ceremonial and judicial law.


Next time we will look at the Five OT presuppositions that shape the NTs understanding of law.